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Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)

"Full interpersonal communication substantially enhances an individual's potential for education, employment, and independence. Therefore, it is imperative that the goal of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) use be the most effective interactive communication possible. Anything less represents a compromise of the individual's human potential." - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

We can't wait to hear from you! 
Start your journey towards effective communication now.

Serving all Texans via live video teleconferencing

(512) 649-4642‬

Who Benefits From AAC?

Individuals with severe speech and language impairments can gain significant improvement in expressive communication through AAC interventions. There are no prerequisites for introducing AAC.


Developmental and acquired diagnoses that may cause severe communication impairments:

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

  • Apraxia of speech

  • Autism Spectrim Disorders

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Dementia

  • Down Syndrome

  • Huntington's Disease

  • Rett Syndrome

  • Stroke / Aphasia

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

Our Service Model

  • Initial free phone consultation to answer your questions.

  • Comprehensive communication evaluation of the client's health history, surveys, and assessment of speech, language, memory, learning capacity, access modalities, and environment concerns. The ongoing AAC assessment process often continues into individual therapy sessions. Once evaluation is complete, we provide a written report with individualized goals.

  • Individual treatment sessions are used to complete the assessment process and train the client to become active communicators and further develop tspeech and language abilities.

  • Indirect AAC services are available as needed, including interdisciplinary consultation, remote AAC customization, and caregiver support and education.

  • We accept BlueCross BlueShield of Texas, FSA/HSA cards  and credit cards. â€‹Upon request, we are able to provide a superbill for submitting to insurance.

Why AAC?

AAC helps individuals with severe speech and language impairments to communicate successfully.  


High-tech devices or apps that "speak" overcome communication barriers and improve environmental access. Auditory input during active communication supports verbal speech and language development.


Low-tech AAC improves communication accessibility for those with limited access to technology, or limited ability to learn complex systems.


Love Your Voice

Achieve your basic right to communication with our pragmatic approach. Our extensive experience with both successful and unsuccessful AAC interventions allows us to guide you to the communication solution most likely to be your voice. 


We will be with you every step until communication success. If technology is recommended, we will guide you in navigating the funding process including certifying the need for a speech-generating device.

Thanks for submitting!

Our Successful Communicators

A women with primary progressive aphasia, a type of dementia that causes a progressive loss of language, became frustrated when she was unable to communicate with her family. Her family prompted her to point to a photo communication board to let them know what she wanted, alleviating everyone's frustration.

A man who had suffered a traumatic brain injury was difficult to hear due to his quiet voice, and could not visit with his family due to Covid-19 visitor restrictions. He used eye gaze with a TobiiDynavox I-series speech generating device to trigger an Amazon Echo Show to call his family and communicate with them over video chat.

A man who had severe aphasia but no other residual deficits from a stroke was independent in every way except communication. Initially, he learned to communicate by pushing buttons on a speech-generating tablet to speak for him. After mastering this communication method, he gave live presentations to share his experience. He was highly motivated, and with hard work and persistence he relearned verbal speech by imitating his SLP and videos of mouth movements.

A pre-school girl with Rett Syndrome's classroom participation was limited to clapping during group songs and hand-over-hand participation in academic tasks. She learned to look at one of the four corners of a plexiglass tabletop eye-gaze board paired with Velcro symbol cards to answer the teacher's questions, allowing her to demonstrate that she was learning.

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