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  • Writer's pictureTallulah Breslin, MS, CCC-SLP

Announcing: Trans Bounce Therapy!

We are excited to announce our newest gender voice offering- Trans Bounce Therapy!

We remember fondly how much fun we had as springy children jumping on the trampoline after school. Out in the fresh air, with friends and no worries in the world. It's time to bring that sense of freedom to an area that has traditionally been challenging due to the discomfort of exploring one's voice when gender identity and voice are incongruent. We find most people are able to work through these challenges with our support to find a voice that they love, but traditional voice training doesn't work for everyone. The world of gender voice is a rapidly evolving field, and we're excited to bring it into a new direction that no one before has considered to be a reasonable idea. It's time to bounce!

How does Trans Bounce Therapy work?

This new exciting modality takes place on a trampoline! We have explored many ways to change one's voice, and hypothesize that the joy and thrill of jumping on a trampoline are sure to override the risk of biting one's tongue while trying to jump up and down and speak simultaneously. While our own sense of self preservation does not allow us to do an exploratory probe to try this modality, we're ready to get started helping you explore your voice!

Where does Trans Bounce Therapy take place?

As we unfortunately do not have a trampoline on site, Trans Bounce Therapy will need to take place on your trampoline. Please let us know your location so we can see if it is within the radius we serve. We primarily provide voice training virtually, which we've found to be very approachable. Being in a space you're already comfortable with, relaxed, and confining us to the little screen of your computer works quite well. Just remember to bring water- your voice likes being hydrated.

How is Trans Bounce Therapy different from gender voice therapy?

Here at Harmonic Speech, we teach you how to speak with your unique healthy voice that unmistakably and effortlessly affirms your gender identity. With the guidance of speech language pathologists, we meet you during our free phone consultation, establishing comfort and familiarity to ease your way into the evaluation and training process. We evaluate your voice as part of a team effort together with you, exploring in depth what you envision for your voice. Once we have a path in mind, we teach the tools you need to find the voice you love, with which you can be a confident, competent communicator. When you're happy with your voice, we're happy.

Gender voice therapy does all of these things, while our NEW proposed treatment method Trans Bounce Therapy does not yet have a framework. We propose that the safest way to explore this would be to jump up and down on the trampoline, following all safety precautions, prior to and separate from voice training, and without our involvement in any way. Be sure to wear sunblock! Once you're loosened up you'll be ready to get started working on your voice.

Trans Bounce Therapy sounds amazing, when can we get started?

Unfortunately, our current insurance carrier is being a real downer and has declined to cover Trans Bounce Therapy until further research has been conducted to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of this modality. While we carefully consider starting conversations with researchers about the possibility of considering if the rationale behind proposing this treatment modality would be well received by those who ensure evidence based practice is provided, we highly suggest you consider our already well researched techniques that, with practice and commitment, can help you find your authentic voice. It's our specialty.

What are you waiting for? Set up a free consultation now! It's time to love your voice.

Happy April Fools from all of us at Harmonic Speech!


-Tallulah Breslin, MS, CCC/SLP (she/they)

Gender & Identity Affirming Voice Training @Harmonic Speech Therapy

Love your voice

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